Wigan appears again

We were last in Wigan on May 23rd 2019 when I walked in from Vulcan Village along the Leeds and Liverpool Canal via Scotsman’s Flash as part of my End to End.
Yesterday we were doing one of our joining up walks which can be fitted into days with limited daylight. To meet up with the end of the Bridgewater Canal at Leigh, we decided to start at Wigan and walk back along the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, covering some ground we’d walked before but with some new bits.

It was a pleasant day and the walk was a relatively easy one with the canal side path being flat and not especially muddy. The bridges and flashes were somewhat familiar. However, the green canal side of the late spring days had given way to the browns of winter. There were some birds on the Wigan Flashes, a series of wetlands beside the canal. Water levels were higher than in May. Some of the flashes are said to have been formed by mining subsidence decades ago and are now nature reserves.

We made good progress and decided to make a short detour to a pub at Platt Road: the Nevison Inn that had excellent soup. It was only a short distance from there back to the canal and then onwards to the bridge at Leigh where the two canals officially join.

We took the busway back to Manchester Piccadilly for the journey home.

From Proverbs 3
Trust in God with all your heart, don’t just rely on your own understanding; look to God’s ways and your paths will be straight and true.

God grant a quiet night

JAL 05.01.2020 Wigan to Leigh via the Leeds and Liverpool Canal (walked on 04.01.2020)