Butterfly winter

Now that last summer’s leaves are down,

As I walk through the bracken, brown,

I dream of tortoiseshell and white

That this way nimbly took their flight

And now lie in their winter bed,

Through the frozen months ahead,

To waken when the sap does rise

And launch themselves into the skies.

Janet Lees 17.11.2020 in Longdendale.

Blessed are the anxious

Blessed are the anxious:
their particular Wisdom is to see the stumbling blocks on the way to the kindom.
Blessed are the anxious:
because deep down they know what calm is and seek it hopefully, showing a way to us all.
Blessed are the anxious:
in their awareness of chaos and stress they show a flag to those times and places we all need to attend to.
Blessed are the anxious:
who in showing huge concern for others point us all to needs beyond our own.

May the blessing of God, be on the anxious ones and the calm ones,
for both are treasured by the Creator, accompanied by the Son and called out by the Spirit.
Go in Peace.

Janet Lees 15.11.2o20 in Longdendale.